PEPA keeps coming back and rocking the memecoin market. We are excited to bring PEPA COIN to the world once again.
And surely PEPA COIN will bring people good and meaningful stories like in the movies.

Here is your chance
Are you ready to open a new chapter with PEPA COIN?

PEPA keeps coming back and rocking the memecoin market. We are excited to bring PEPA COIN to the world once again.
And surely PEPA COIN will bring people good and meaningful stories like in the movies.

Here is your chance
Are you ready to open a new chapter with PEPA COIN?


Introducing PEPA COIN, The return of PEPA will create a global fever. Give everyone a more positive view of the memecoin market.


Not only is it a place to protect assets, $PEPACOIN also has an important mission that brings huge profits to investors.


8% TAX

1 Year Locked

Token Supply


100% of the total supply will be sent to the liquidity pool. The LP pool will be locked.
This is transparent and available for all to see.

© 2023 by PEPA COIN. All rights reserved!